Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Fuh lamanya tak menjengah blog ni. Hampir lupa pulak yang aku ada blog. Dah banyak kali berniat nak tulis post baru. Tapi ada je perkara yang menghalang. Ada je aral melintang. Dengan kesibukan yang ada, dengan kerja yang bertimbun. Tapi macamana pun, aku rasa kali ni aku nak cuba update sekerap mungkin (baca: sebulan sekali) blog ni. Bukan apa, rasanya otak ni sedikit tepu bila asyik menulis tentang nama saintifik ikan kembung, blahblah. Mungkin blog ini tak akan dijengah ataupun dilawat sesiapapun (tapi tadi ada nampak Lisa jadi follower. Thanks lisa! Hehehe)

Apa apa pun, rasanya aku pun keliru tentang tujuan blog ni. Hmm, berbalik kepada thoughts and thoughts, aku nak cuba jadikan blog ni tempat luahan minda (like you haven't heard that one before). I just want to speak my mind out. Because in a way, as an undergraduate student, i rarely have the time to express my true feelings or thoughts to my friends and family. Partly because I am an asshole on the inside (yep. No doubt about it) and partly because we are told to listen and accept what we are told.

Anyways, I was actually laying in bed just now trying to sleep (at 4pm in the afternoon). Trying to sneak a power nap just between Zohor and Asar. As I was laying there trying to bore myself to sleep with some biostatistics (seriously that book is like a sleeping pill), I had a thought - hence the blog name. *giggle*. So back to the story, well I was thinking "Dalam banyak banyak benda yang kau boleh buat, tidur yang kau pilih? Weh Nabil, LAME GILA" (if you were wondering, yes. That was my conscience. I do have one you know)

The thought sparked and suddenly I was thinking about me, my future, things that I want to do and such. Much thinking later, my mind came to a conclusion, and it boiled to a sentence that I hoped could be motto.

"I aspire to be a millionaire before I am 30 years old, and sitting on my ass ain't gonna make me one"

Well nobody knows whether my aspiration will be a reality one day. But hey, what's the harm in giving it all I have? Hehe. Later,

Much love,